Vivek College Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai-104
Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Recognized by U.G.C. under section 12(B) & 2(F) of the U.G.C.Act.
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with B++ Grade
ISO 21001:2018 Certified by TUV Austria
+91 83693 56474 vivek_college@hotmail.com
As Nostalgia kicks in, the empharic memory which prevails in my mind.... is of vivek college. I still remember the time when my teachers used to plunge into an overhwhelming indulgence as and when my singing resonated during the cultural events. Being a mumbaikar by birth and a malyali by heart I gained exposure towards learning my mothertounge at Vivek.. I hereby thank Vivek College and all my teachers for helping me to set a foundation and invoking a musician inside me