Vivek Education Society's


Vivek College Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai-104

Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Recognized by U.G.C. under section 12(B) & 2(F) of the U.G.C.Act.

Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC

ISO 21001:2018 Certified by TUV Austria

+91 83693 56474


Be the servant while leading. Be unselfish. Have infinite patience, and success is yours. -Swami Vivekananda

Examination - Rules

  • Applicable to all the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes like Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Management Studies (B. M. S.), Bachelor of Science (Information Technology), Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance), Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance), Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets) Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia and Mass Communication/Bachelor of Mass Media, Master of Commerce (Accountancy and Business Management) and Master of Science (Information Technology)

    1. Internal Assessment - (25 marks/40 marks)

    Sr No Particular Marks
    1 One periodical class test / case study / online examination to be conducted in the given semester 20 marks
    2 Active participation in classroom and attendance 5 marks
    The learner should score a minimum of 40% marks (i.e., 10 out of 25 marks and 16 out of 40) to pass the Internal Assessment in each of the courses.

    2.Semester End Practical Examination - (50 Marks) (Only for Courses with Practical’s (B.Sc.-I.T./M.Sc. (I.T.))

    Sr No Particular Marks
    1 Journal 05 Marks
    2 Viva 05 Marks
    2 Laboratory work 40 Marks
    The learner should score a minimum of 40% marks (i.e., 20 out of 50 marks) to pass the Practical Examination in each of the courses.

    3. Semester End Examination - (60 Marks/75 Marks/100 Marks)

    These written examinations shall be of 2 1/2 Hours duration for 75 marks and 60 marks in Self Financing and Post Graduate programmes and 3 Hours for 100 marks in Bachelor of Commerce.

    The learner should score a minimum of 40% marks (i.e.,24 out of 60 marks, 30 out of 75 marks and 40 out of 100 marks) to pass the Semester End Examination in each of the courses.

  • Conduct of Examination

    • The examinations for Internal Assessment, Practical Examination and Semester End Examinations for the Semesters I to IV shall be processed by the College / Institution. However, the question papers for the practical and semester end examination will be delivered online by University. The College / Institution shall issue the grade cards to the learners after the conversion of marks into grade as per the procedure prescribed by the University of Mumbai.
    • The examinations for Internal Assessment of Semesters V & VI shall be processed by the College / Institution while the University shall conduct the assessment of Practical Examination and Semester End Examination for Semesters V & VI. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for Semesters V & VI shall be submitted to the University by the respective College/ Institution before the commencement of respective Semester End Examinations.
    • The responsibility of Examination evaluation during the first four Semesters shall rest with the College / Institution where the students are admitted for the Course. The College / Institution shall carry out the Internal Assessment for the papers in Semesters V and VI while the University shall conduct the Semester End Examination for these two Semesters.
    • Carry Forward of Internal Marks: A candidate who fails in any particular paper / course shall be allowed to re-appear the theory component. However, the marks of Internal Assessment shall be carried forward.

  • Performance Grading

    7 Point Grade Tables

    Course Grade Table
    Marks Grade
    70 and above O
    60 to 69 A
    55 to 59 B
    50 to 54 C
    45 to 49 D
    40 to 44 E
    55 to 59 F
    Overall Grades Table
    Marks Grade
    7.00 O
    6.00 to 6.99 A
    5.00 to 5.99 B
    4.00 to 4.99 C
    3.00 to 3.99 D
    2.00 to 2.99 E

    10-point Grade Tables

    Course Grade Table
    Marks Grade Performance
    80 and above O Outstanding
    70 to 79.99 A+ Excellent
    60 to 69.99 A Very Good
    55 to 59.99 B+ Good
    50 to 54.99 B Above Average
    45 to 49.99 C Average
    40 to 44.99 D Pass
    Less than 40 F Fail
    Overall Grades Table
    SGPA Grade
    10 O
    9 to 9.99 A+
    8 to 8.99 A
    7 to 7.99 B
    6 to 6.99 B
    5 to 5.99 C
    4 to 4.99 D
    The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.

  • Carry Forward of Marks in Case of a Learner Who Fails in The Internal Assessment And/or Semester End Assessment in One Or More Subjects:

    • A learner who PASSES in the Internal Examination but FAILS in the Semester End Examination of the course shall reappear for the Semester End Examination of that course. However, his/her marks of the Internal Examinations shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.
    • A learner who PASSES in the Semester End Examination but FAILS in the Internal Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Internal Examination of that course. However, his/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.

  • Allowed to Keep Terms (ATKT) Rules Applicable to The Courses as Per Ordinance R 8438

    • a.A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of number of heads of failure in the semester I.
    • b.A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if he / she passes each of Semester I & Semester II


    A learner who fails in not more than four courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together with not more than two courses each in semester I & II.

    • c.A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of number of heads of failure in Semester III.
    • d.A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V if he / she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV


    A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than four courses of Semester III and Semester IV taken together with not more than two courses each in Semester III & Semester IV.


    A learner shall pass Semester III and Semester IV and fails in not more than four courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together with not more than two courses each in Semester I& Semester II.

    • e.A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V.
    • f.The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V.

B.Com - Result

M.Com - Result

M.Sc.I.T - Result

B.Com - TimeTable

B.M.S - TimeTable

B.Sc.IT - TimeTable

B.A.F - TimeTable

B.B.I - TimeTable

B.F.M - TimeTable

B.A.M.M.C - TimeTable